Something that challenged me was the food factor challenge because I was blindfolded and I don't like
eating food that I don't know
what it is. Mrs H tricked me because sh
e told me that I had to eat
pooops. i was worried but she told me I had to eat it so I put my finger in the cup and I
scooped up some and put it in
my mouth. I realised it was
melted chocolate because it taste sugary. I was relieved
that it wasn't poo!That
would have made me
spew up!
Lachlan said this is finger licking good |
this'is great,give me some more please
Michael is finding it hard to swallow.
Something that challenged was hiding in the dark
In spot light Mrs Ramsay said I was
brave but I still don't like it. In the dark I had to
crouch down low and keep very quiet so the other team
don't find us
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